A New Measurement System From SKF

Fixturlaser Turbine, a new system designed to measure the alignment of diaphragms in turbines and compressors is now available from SKF. The Fixturlaser Turbine system works on conventional principles, but replaces the wire and sound micrometer devices traditionally used with a laser beam and detector unit, making it less susceptible to the effects of vibration. The system uses a laser transmitter positioned at one end of the turbine and a detector unit with an integral inclinometer, which probes the surface of each diaphragm, taking three readings on each. Results are compiled by a computerised display unit that performs a straightness measurement in two axes. Results are displayed graphically. The same method can then be used 'live' to adjust the position of a misaligned diaphragm. This laser system offers numerous advantages over the wire method. For instance, greater access to the machine means that parts can be easily replaced without the need to remove the measuring equipment. Greater accuracy can be achieved using a repeatability test to set the best sampling filter and the detector has a resolution of 0.001mm. Vibrations from local mechanical sources do not affect the readings, so there is no need to shut down nearby machinery to achieve the desired accuracy and resolution. The system only needs to be set up once during an entire outage and guides the user through the whole measurement sequence. As a result, alignment can be measured quickly without the need for expert staff and the minimum disruption to plant running.
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