Schaeffler Group Environmental Policy(pic)

Environmental protection is part of our management principles. We are convinced that adhering to environmental protection practices represents a significant contribution to the success of our company. The following principles apply for all company employees worldwide. These principles demonstrate that we meet our responsibility in society to do our part in preserving the well-being of all ¨C today and for subsequent generations. Efficient Environmental Management At all manufacturing locations we have an efficient environmental management system that is subjected to continuous improvement measures. We align our facilities to state-of-the-art technology. Our contract partners and suppliers are included in our environmental targets. Regular Audits We have made the obligation to follow all environmental legislation and specifications. Conformity is checked during environmental audits that are performed on a regular basis. In-house requirements go above and beyond the regulations specified in government legislation. We regularly monitor the impacts our operations have on the environment as well as the success of the environmental management systemMinimum Environmental Impacts For all activities we want to prevent harmful impacts on the environment by planning properly in advance. We use raw materials and energy sparingly. We put forth every effort to generate as little waste as possible. Reusing waste for good purposes takes precedence over waste disposal. The proper environmental protection actions serve to reduce wastewater quantities, noise and other emissions. Environmentally Friendly Products We manufacture environmentally friendly products and take the entire product life cycle into consideration ¨C from product development to manufacturing all the way down to reuse or disposal. Responsible and Dedicated Employees We regularly inform our employees about important environmental issues and hold training programs to increase employee awareness and achieve more responsible behavior towards the environment. Preventive Measures We want to protect our employees from health hazards and prevent damage to the environment. To achieve this, we implement comprehensive measures to prevent accidents and limit damaging effects on the environment. Open Communication We maintain open communication channels with our customers and with the public. We provide information on the environmental effects of each location. Authorities and associations receive our full cooperation. Company Management and all employees are committed to this environmental policy.
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