Successful Opposition Proceedings about ZKL(pic)

In course of the past period professional opposition proceedings (critical surveys) took place regarding two of three projects incorporated in programs granted by the Czech Ministry of Trade and Industry. The first expert opinion held on April 28, 2005 was oriented on the project called Development of Technology of Bearing Rings Cold Rolling, scheduled for the period of years 2004 to 2006. The board of experts consisted of representatives of Ministry of Trade and Industry, an independent opponent from Technical College of Brno University and the project bearer, i.e. Executive Director of ZKL Brno, a.s. This critical survey included also the inspection of the workplace along with demonstration of bearing ring cold rolling in frame of tools tests on expanding roll-out machine URWA 250. This workplace is the first one of its kind in Czech Republic, the technology development has to link together a number of technical subjects and problems in the field of semi-product, its heat treatment, dimensional definition of billets, determination of rolling process, design and manufacture of tools, their testing on machine, adjustment of tools after testing etc. The survey board adopted to this project a measure oriented to acceleration of its developing phase in respect of tools testing. The second expert opinion session taking place on May 11, 2005 focused on the project Innovation of Manufacturing Program of Spherical Roller Bearings in ZKL Brno, a.s., which is being materialized since the year 2003 till the end of this year. The board of experts consisted again of representatives of Ministry of Trade and Industry, as well as of independent opponents from Technical College of Brno University, commercially oriented company and the project bearer. As a part of solution presentation there was a display of roller bearing prototypes the innovation of which occurred in the period between the transient expert opinion session held in November 2004 and April 2005. Simultaneously there took place also the review day on solution of the project ZKL - Vyzkum a vyvoj, a.s., namely Special Railway Roller Bearings. Positive appraisal of ZKL Brno, a.s. attitude to solution of the projects was the joint feature of both sessions. In spite of technically difficult solution of projects the tasks stipulated by their material substance are being carried out. It has been also noted that the financial means are being drawn in conformity with valid regulations. Generally it can be affirmed that the projects solution process up to now gives a well-grounded prerequisite to participate in public tender for selection of feasible projects within the research programs TANDEM and IMPULS published by Ministry of Trade and Industry for year 2006. The attached pictures show a survey of rolled-out rings and manufactured prototypes of bearings, as well as photos of workplace inspection and of board session.
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