Staff set to scale three peaks for charity

A team of 15 SKF staff from Luton and the surrounding areas are set to embark on a gruelling 24 hour, OE3 Peaks mountain walking challenge on 11th June 2005. The challenge will raise money for NOAH, a Luton based homeless and disadvantaged person's charity. The SKF team are appealing for sponsorship from companies and individuals. The OE3 Peaks are Ben Nevis (Scotland), Scafell Pike (The Lake District) and Snowdon (Wales). The SKF three peak team have been preparing for the challenge since January. The arduous training has included several practice walks on different mountains and hours in the gym, often starting at 0600. 'While the walkers are important, we shouldn't forget the three members of the team whose job it will be to drive us from Scotland to the Lake District and then on to Wales', said Daniel Doncaster, SKF Business Engineer renewable energy and one of the team leaders on the three-peak challenge. 'We will be starting at 1800 BST so it will mean driving through the night'. NOAH Enterprise helps disadvantaged and homeless people obtain the essentials for living, ranging from good meals, shelter and healthcare to advice. One of the organisation's current goals is to raise funds for a new centre in Luton, from which the charity can offer all of its services. 'If you brought all of the activities under one roof and could also offer accommodation, you would have a truly holistic service', explained Jim O'Connor, NOAH Chief Executive. 'We have a great partnership with Luton Borough Council and they have offered us some land'. 'Our challenge is to raise the money for the building'. 'I believe that NOAH is doing a unique job', explained Doncaster. 'The charity provides unconditional support to people who have fallen through the net'. 'If it is helping a victim of alcohol abuse for instance, and that person suffers a relapse, the help isn't withdrawn'. 'It is a genuinely unconditional solution'. 'The fact that NOAH is a local charity is important, it's at the forefront of our minds as to why we are doing this challenge, it's a very humbling experience to be involved with Noah', continued Samantha Carberry, Senior Graphic Designer at SKF. 'Many of the people taking part in the walk are completely new to the sport, physical and mental preparation are vital ingredients for our potential success'. 'SKF has been enormously supportive', concluded Doncaster. 'As well as agreeing to double the money we raise, SKF has provided the vehicles to get us from mountain to mountain'. 'However, perhaps the most encouraging thing is that when I went to our MD to ask for support for the project, he immediately volunteered for the walk'.
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