New Degrease Machine for ZKL Hanusovice, a. s.

In view of incessantly growing requirements of our clients, among which the cleanness of produced parts and quality of surface finish also belong, ZKL Hanusovice, a. s. purchased and in April 2005 installed the modern degrease machine ATOLL 800 made by the company SUMMA. ATOLL 800 is an automatic cleaning machine serving for cleaning and degreasing steel components by water media. The machine is particularly designed to clean items of intricate forms where high cleanness is demanded. The machine execution allows to carry out degreasing by spraying, submerging, injection or whirling. The same operations can be also combined with rinsing bath. Finally the products are being dried by hot air and after that finish dried by vacuum drying. These individual processes can be set up in their combination required by the technology and stored as a compiled program into the control unit. ATOLL 800 is capable to remove grease and impurities arisen during manufacturing process of shaping and machining of pipes and sheet metal parts. Prime quality degreasing allows to obtain higher quality of brazed joints, perfect pipes surface when passing the brazing furnace and final surface finishes. ATOLL 800 degrease machine is capable to treat also parts for which a micro-purity is required.
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