Speed is key to linear motion design win

Having won the contract from Magna Kansei to produce a special purpose machine for use in the production of car fascia panels, ICS robotics and Automation sought the linear motion expertise of RA Rodriguez. The application called for a programmable x-y positioning system to carry a Branson ultrasonic welding head, and the IEF Werner system proposed by RA Rodriguez was judged to provide the required high level of performance. A key element was the system's linear speed of 1m/s to achieve an overall cycle time of 20s. The process for which the machine was specified is the ultrasonic welding of sound insulation fabric to instrumentation fascia mouldings. This requires the operator to load the black fascia panel into the machine in the upside down position. White insulation fabric is then laid into position automatically - a machine vision system is used to ensure the integrity of the process. The 2 x 0.8m IEF Werner EasyLine gantry system then positions the ultrasonic welding head to 20 preprogrammed locations on the assembly. At each position it welds the fabric to the moulding, providing a secure weld. Stepper motors are used for high holding torque whilst welding is in process and for their ability to move the head in short, fast steps. The system's two-axis IEF Werner PA Control Compact is freely programmable and has integrated input/output processing enabling it to control all x-y movements; it has the ability to run a maximum of 32 programs in parallel. The IEF Werner linear motion product programme is now a popular programme for systems integrators such as ICS Robotics and Automation. It has been designed to provide elements that are freely combined to create bespoke, multi-axis handling systems. They offer high loading capacity, high rigidity, quiet operation and are complemented by a wide choice of motors and controllers. ICS Robotics and Automation reports 'absolutely no problems with the installed system', and testimony to its success has been the order of two further identical special purpose ultrasonic welding machines by Magna Kansei.
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