U.S. Commerce Department Extends Antidumping Review

The U.S. Department of Commerce has extended its own deadline for an administrative review of antidumping duty orders on antifriction bearings and parts from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and the UK. Several "interested parties" (see below) requested and were granted administrative reviews of the antidumping orders. The review details, in 69 FR 39409, are reproduced below directly from the Federal Register, dated June 30, 2004. The period under review is May 1, 2003 through April 30, 2004. The Tariff Act of 1930 requires a determination within 245 days after the last day of the anniversary month of an order for which a review is requested and a final determination within 120 days after the date on which the preliminary determination is published. However, if the review cannot be completed on time, the Act allows for a time extension from the 245 days to 365 days. Commerce determined, "it is not practicable to complete the preliminary results of these reviews within the original time limit because additional time is needed to analyze the questionnaire responses and supplemental questionnaire responses submitted by the respondents, to analyze comments on model-match methodology submitted by interested parties, and to conduct verifications of the respondents." Commerce gave itself until April 1, 2005 to issue the preliminary results for this review. 69 FR 39409 (Federal Register volume 69, page 39409) - June 30, 2004 Antifriction Bearing Proceedings & Firms Period, Class / Kind ------------------------------------------------------------------------ France: A-427-801................................ 5/1/03 - 4/30/04. SKF France S.A........................... Ball and Spherical. SNR Roulements........................... Ball. Weber Kugellager Int..................... Ball. Germany: A-428-802................................ 5/1/03 - 4/30/04. Gabreuder Reinfort GmbH & Co., KG........ Ball. FAG/INA-Schaeffler KG.................... Ball. Paul Mueller Industrie GmbH & Co., KG.... Ball. SKF GmbH................................. Ball. Weber Kugellager Int..................... Ball. Italy: A-475-201................................ 5/1/03 - 4/30/04. FAG Italia S.p.A......................... Ball. SKF Industrie S.p.A...................... Ball. Weber Kugellager Int..................... Ball. Japan: A-588-804................................ 5/1/03 - 4/30/04. Asahi Seiko Co. Ltd...................... Ball. Koyo Seiko Co., Ltd...................... Ball. Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporation.............. Ball. Nankai Seiko (SMT)....................... Ball. Nippon Pillow Block Sales Co., Ltd....... Ball. NSK Ltd.................................. Ball. NTN Corporation.......................... Ball. Osaka Pump Co. Ltd....................... Ball. Sapporo Precision Bearings Inc........... Ball. Takeshita Seiko Co., Ltd................. Ball. Singapore: A-599-801................................ 5/1/03 - 4/30/04. NMB/Pelmec............................... Ball. U.K.: A-412-801................................ 5/1/03 - 4/30/04. NSK Bearings Europe...................... Ball. SKF Aeroengine Bearings UK Ball. (formerly known as Aeroengine Bearings UK or NSK Aerospace) Barden Corp.............................. Ball. FAG (U.K.) Limited....................... Ball. For further information about this antidumping reviews contact: Susan Lehman or Richard Rimlinger (202) 482-0180 or (202) 482-4477, respectively AD/CVD Operations, Office 5 Import Administration International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW Washington DC 20230
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