Elder Staffs' training Young in HRB's Technical Center

In recent years, technical staffs' scarcity has become a more and more obvious problem in HRB. The young technical staffs who have little working experiences need to be trained by the veteran staffs. Only by this way, the young could become more experienced and more helpful to the company. Given this, HRB held a training activity. In the course of this activity, every elder technical staff should be in charge of one or more young staffs and their mission is to impart some useful practical experience to the young. For HRB's further development, all the elder technical staffs do their best. For example, Mr. Wangjilin, an over 50 years old director of design department, was in charge of 5 young staffs. To train the young, elder staffs did anything they thought will be helpful to the young. For example, elder and the young cooperated on a certain project, elder asked the young to finish a job solely then gave them advice immediatly, elder discuss a problem with the young and so on. Leading by their master, the young growed day by day not only in their technical skills but also in how to being a real human being. HRB in which were full of today or tomorrow's talent will develop further and quikerly. HRB--Harbin Bearing Group

Harbin Bearing Group Corporation is one of the largest backbone enterprises of bearing industry of China, it has walked through 50 years¡¯ splendid course accompanied the Republic. Over 50 years, generations of staffs share the spirit of overstepping, be pragmatic and be the first rank, which enable the HRB product possessed an important position in the history of bearing industry of China.

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