OMET New Certification for Bearing(pic)

Certification for Bearing Following an inspection test recently, the certification authority DNV Italy gave permission to start the certification procedure of OMET Bearings Business Division Quality System, already certified according to the regulations ISO9002:1994 since 10/09/1997. On 22/10/2003 DNV Italy officially recognized OMET Bearings Business Division Quality System as complying with international rules UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. The new company mission consists of Designing, manufacturing and marketing ball bearings and complete systems with linear rails for special and economic applications. The insertion into the Quality System of the designing process, which was not included in the previous one, is object of particular pride for the company that has always aimed at the customer's satisfaction right from the designing phase. Designing in a strict cooperation with the customer guarantees the development of a product that is worked out ad-hoc according to the needs of the same customer, who follows as an active party all the designing phases thanks to the relation set up with OMET. The addition to the catalogue of complete systems with linear rails for special and economic applications, which allowed OMET to fulfill particular needs of customers making light motion devices, is a sign of the company attention towards the needs of markets "next to" its own main market. OMET has namely recorded that no specific products were available on the market for this type of application and has decided to invest resources to develop products that are able to conjugate the dual concept of technology and cheapness indispensable to fulfill the arisen needs.
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