SRB Roller Bearings Suit Water Treatment Plants

SRB Roller Bearings Suit Water Treatment Plants SRB split roller bearings are totally split to the shaft, a design that both simplifies and expedites installation and cuts installation downtime by up to 90%. The continuous nature of water treatment processes and the huge capacity of modern treatment plants mean that unplanned downtime is extremely expensive and every effort has to be made to minimise it. This is against a background where planned maintenance windows are also becoming shorter and less frequent and therefore more pressurised. Solid bearings are generally used in water treatment applications, despite being difficult to fit, impossible to inspect whilst in place and difficult to replace when they fail.But because they are relatively cheap no one questions that they may not provide the best solution in all applications. In other process industry sectors that live with similar cost pressures, companies are increasingly realising that to achieve performance gains and realise the full potential of their existing assets, they must achieve improved production efficiencies. However, to do this downtime must be minimised, which in turn means a whole new approach of adopting components and equipment that might cost more initially, but are more cost-effective over their lifetime. This is particularly true of bearings and is one of the major reasons why companies in all market sectors are increasingly turning to split roller bearings as a means of reducing downtime, even though these units can initially be substantially more expensive than their solid bearing equivalents. They provide easier bearing fitting.Fitting a split roller bearing takes only 10% of the time taken to fit an equivalent solid bearing. They allow users to inspect the bearing in situ without any major disassembly. The bearing cartridges of split roller bearings can also be quickly replaced if there is a problem.The simplicity of fitting a split roller bearing, compared to a solid bearing, is a major factor in its longevity.Unlike solid bearings, SRB split roller bearings are totally split to the shaft, a design that both simplifies and expedites installation and cuts installation downtime by up to 90%. There is no need to lift the shaft, or obtain access to the shaft ends, therefore expensive and awkward to handle lifting equipment is not required.It allows for much faster bearing replacement, which can save productivity focussed businesses a lot of money in costly downtime. SRB split roller bearings can have a longer lifespan compared to conventional solid bearings, because they cannot be cross-located.In addition to being easier to fit, inspect and maintain than solid bearings, Revolvo also provides superior sealing arrangements, which means longer bearing life with greatly reduced levels of maintenance, especially important for water treatment applications. SRB split bearings are available with seal designs that allow them to operate completely submerged, totally excluding water and contaminants from the bearing housing.This is achieved via an arrangement of two lip seals with garter springs and a centralised positive grease feed. The positive action of the grease purge between the two seals combined with the sealing efficiency offers consistent, reliable long-term operation.
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