Tough CMM Uses Mechanical Bearings

Tough CMM Uses Mechanical Bearings Prompted by industry's growing trend for component inspection tasks being performed in close proximity to the manufacturing process, Aberlink has launched the robust, yet accurate Extreme coordinate measuring machine. Able to operate in previous no-go areas for CMM's, the Aberlink Extreme utilises high precision mechanical bearings rather than the delicate air-bearings typically employed on CMM's. This novel approach negates the need for a clean, dry, compressed air supply.The Innovative new Aberlink machine's mechanism, scales, guideways, etc, are entirely enclosed within a tough steel structure rendering the machine totally suitable for shop-floor use. Now the largest UK owned coordinate measuring machine manufacturer, Aberlink's leading-edge drive design and low inertia/high-speed characteristics enable the Extreme to slash inspection times and remove previous, quality department bottlenecks. Available in manual and CNC formats, the cost-effective Extreme has a generous measuring envelope of 400 x 400 x 400mm, and a resolution of 0.5 um. Complementing Extreme's easy to use characteristics, Aberlink's 3-D Windows based, intuitive software was designed purposefully around a simple graphical interface. A welcome bi-product of any Aberlink CMM inspection routine is that a simultaneous picture of the measured component is created on the computer screen. Dimensions between the measured features, mirroring those that appear on the component drawing, are then picked off as required. In essence this 'smart' software represents an intelligent measuring system that is able to automatically recognise and define the various features being measured. The company claim that their Aberlink 3D is the easiest to use CMM software currently available and that a complete novice is usually able to perform relatively involved measurement routines after just 5 minutes training.
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