Delhi Commercial Zone Enforcement Shuts Bearing Sellers

Over 1,000 heavy manufacturing and commercial-sale businesses have been forcibly closed or ordered to close across India's capital of New Delhi, in a continuing crackdown on such operations in residential and mixed-use zoning areas. These mixed-use areas are zoned for offices, service and retail shops, but recent years have seen an explosion in the number of industrial businesses operating in these areas. Also being shut down are thousands of unregistered businesses, and businesses registered as one type but actually operating as another -- for example, companies claiming to be hair salons and grocers instead are operating as industrial bearing distributors. The action also includes businesses and private schools built illegally on public land. By far the largest group of industrial businesses caught up in the enforcement action were hundreds of bearing distributors, primarily selling imported ball bearings. A surprisingly large number of small-scale bearing manufacturers were also targeted in the action, particularly in the western Mayapuri road area. The closings, coming in waves over the past several months, are part of an attempt to regain control over India's often freewheeling business climate, which many larger companies say is being undermined by thousands of small, unregistered and unregulated parts vendors, many selling counterfeit bearings and similar products. Begun in earnest this past summer following a directive of the Supreme Court, enforcement and sealing action had been temporarily suspended in the face of rising tensions, protests, and fears of sparking violent confrontations. While thousands have taken to the streets in protest, thousands of business operations have also begun filing the proper applications and paperwork with local zoning and business authorities.
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