Anniversary Celebration At ZKL Hanusovice, a. s.(Pic)

The joint stock company ZKL Hanusovice celebrated two significant anniversaries on October 6 and 7, 2006. 140 years ago, when the textile manufacture in this town started, the plant belonged among companies of its kind in Central Europe furnished in a most modern manner. At that time it was employing 400 workers and was continuously extending its premises. The growth of the plant as an independent textile production unit prevailed until the fifties of last century during which its ownership changed several times until the year 1958 when it became the property of roller bearings and tractors manufacturer ZKL - Zavody na kulickova loziska, Brno. From that time onward a new history of the plant started to be described. The production was transformed into a demanding engineering industry for manufacture of components and parts of Zetor tractors, creating higher qualification requirements of employees and entire plant modernization. When a substantial reduction of Zetor tractors production in the nineties occurred, the company had to search for a new production program again. This endeavor resulted in engagement in automotive industry by inaugurating the manufacture of shaped steel pipes for cooling and hydraulic systems of motor vehicles just 10 years ago. This change signified a principal turn in entire management system of the company along with company certification under strict standards of automotive industry ISO TS 16 949:2002 and brought another quality growth of all its employees. Simultaneously it represented the start of continuous process of technologies modernization and qualification enhancement of the staff on all levels. For better idea it needs to be mentioned that 10 years back there had been produced just 2 830 pipes altogether within a year, while the present production comes to approximately 5 000 pieces in one day! The youngest manufacturing segment is the production of components for completion of spherical roller bearings in our sister company ZKL Brno, a.s. Our invitation to attend at the said celebrations has been accepted also by the representatives of our buyers and suppliers from the Czech Republic and from abroad, such as from United Kingdom, Federal republic of Germany and Italy, besides of the top management of the whole ZKL Group. Furthermore we had the honor to meet the officials of state bodies starting with the municipality up to the Chamber of Deputies of the republic and important financial institutions. During these jubilees we have presented also out care for entire company site and employees. The outstanding condition of the whole plant carefully preserving its original appearance is also the object of interest of the National Office for Cultural Heritage, since it is a unique demonstration of industrial evolution in the whole region of Northern Moravia. In course of Saturday afternoon, oriented among others to children games, plant inspection and performances of various musical groups, such as Teens Jazz Band Velke Losiny, The Tainted and Cantus, the Mayor of Hanusovice Town Council Mr. Petr Malcharczik, handed over a donation check for CZK 15 000 to officials of The Fund for Children in Need and the ZKL employees added them another CZK 7 000 as a collection organized among them. These means will be used for support of children from underprivileged families of Sumperk district. The highlight of the entire whirl of festivities was for long promised and secretly kept musical performance of Krystof Group who played for 3 500 ardent and cheering listeners. The holiday was crowned by impressively composed fireworks. Festivities being over I would like to wish good health, personal well-being and nice remembrance of this anniversary to all our business partners, management members, employees and to all patrons of ZKL Hanusovice, a. s. You may see several views from these events on the attached photos. Pavel Katolicky, Eng. Executive Director and Member of Board, ZKL Hanusovice, a. s.
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