Showcase For Energy Saving Knowhow

Showcase For Energy Saving Knowhow At this year's Pemec show Wyko will be demonstrating how the company has identified and achieved energy saving by applying its knowhow to a variety of different areas of industrial process and manufacturing plant. Beyond negotiating tariffs, Wyko knowhow is helping customers to discover and implement significant energy savings in obvious areas such as fans, pumps, motors and drives, and also some more unexpected areas such as maintenance and quality programmes. The care and maintenance of equipment is vital to any ongoing energy efficiency improvement programme; something as simple as changing to a CRE belt drive or replacing a worn pulley can make a drive system up to 10% more efficient. When the difference in cost is considered between such a simple action as this and the cost of changing a standard motor to a high efficiency Eff1 unit, (which can be as little as 6% more efficient), then it becomes obvious that energy conservation opportunities need an element of knowhow in selecting the best from the options available. Without Wyko experience, many savings can still remain hidden: scrap parts for example. The amount of energy that goes into making a part that has to scrapped, subsequently, and recycled or disposed of, is considerable and impacts directly on a company's bottom-line energy cost. Addressing quality issues and improving production equipment can contribute greatly to reducing scrap, and both are areas where Wyko can offer assistance. It is knowhow such as this that Wyko's team will be deploying for the benefit of visitors at the Pemec show. 'The focus at the show will be firmly on practical energy saving solutions employing the latest products and technologies, as well as best practice', said Wyko condition monitoring Expert, Dave Ohren, who is presenting a white paper on 'Energy efficiency as part of a maintenance strategy' during the show. Wyko is involved in the specification, supply, fitting and maintenance of a wide range of equipment that plays an obvious part in energy saving. Typical examples include; electric motors, variable speed drives, gearboxes, fans, pumps, belt and chain transmissions, compressed air, fluid power components and HV systems to name but a few. Wyko believes that it is not enough just to supply equipment; rather it is a case of starting to embed energy conservation at every stage of a maintenance strategy to make sure that the correct equipment is being specified or repaired to begin with. In addition processes must be considered as a whole and the role that each element plays within the system. With years of field experience to draw on, and with many thousands of customers across all industry sectors, Wyko can bench mark customer practices against the experience of others to identify better ways of doing things. For example, there is little point in fitting higher efficiency air filters to a compressed air system that is losing 5% of its capacity through leaks - a situation Wyko has found on more than a few occasions Wyko aims to expose as many of these areas of energy wastage as possible and to demonstrate solutions using its extensive industrial knowhow. The company's ability to handle every aspect of the service from advice and plant condition monitoring to specifying equipment, supply, commissioning and maintenance, embodies the Wyko technical knowhow which is the overriding theme for the show and what the company believes will bring most benefit to maintenance and plant engineers. Pemec 06 is at the Newbury Exhibition Centre, Berkshire on 25th and 26th October 2006.
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