Environmental and Safety Policy of the Schaeffler Group
Environmental and Safety Policy of the Schaeffler Group Environmental protection and work safety is a fundamental part of our management principles. We aim to ensure the continued existence and success of our company by establishing and maintaining a safe working environment that promotes the health and performance of our employees as well as taking active measures to protect the environment. The following principles apply to all of our companies worldwide and so demonstrate the responsibility we have toward our employees, society, and future generations. Effective Work Safety and Environmental Management We actively use a global work safety and environmental management system that is undergoing continuous improvement. We elaborate forward-looking concepts that we implement in collaboration with our contractual partners. We carry out regular checks across all areas to determine the extent to which these measures have been implemented and to monitor the success of our management system. Safe, Employee-Friendly Workplaces We are convinced that all occupational accidents and illnesses can be avoided. Motivated employees and managers help us achieve our goal of a zero-accident workplace. When it comes to protection, our employees and contractors have equal priority. When designing work centers and procedures, we take into account the latest trends and developments and place special emphasis on ergonomic design. Reliable Actions We are committed to observing all legislation and specifications regarding work safety and environmental protection. We act in a responsible manner in accordance with our own regulations, which, in many cases, go beyond existing legal requirements. We configure, purchase, operate, and maintain machines and facilities in such a way as to minimize potential hazards, risks, and operational disturbances. Our technology is based on the latest state of the art. Minimum Environmental Impact and Environmentally-Friendly Products Regardless of the activities we are carrying out, we endeavor to minimize environmental impact by taking suitable measures in advance. We consume raw materials and energy sparingly and make every effort to minimize waste, waste water, noise, and other emissions. We manufacture environmentally-friendly products taking into account the entire product lifecycle. Responsible Employees We hold regular information and training sessions to ensure that our employees and business partners have the expertise and knowledge to carry out their work safely and with the minimum of environmental impact in all areas of the company. Preventive Measures We take comprehensive measures to protect our employees against health hazards and prevent damage to the environment. Comprehensive and effective emergency measures are in place at all locations to ensure that our employees and visitors are treated properly in the event of injury. Open Communication We conduct an intensive and trusted dialog with interested parties. We provide information about our work safety and environmental protection measures as well as the impact each of our locations has on the environment. Company Management and all employees are committed to this policy.