THK Develop Caged Ball Screw Series (Pic)
We took advantage of our Caged Ball LM guide technology to develop a Caged Ball Screw series, employing new manufacturing techniques and drawing on many years of experience. This series meets customers¡¯ needs by offering the following important features. Advantage of Caged Ball Screw High-speed capability The ball retainer prevents friction between screws and accompanying heat, enabling superior high-speed performance. On the return, balls are scooped up virtually tangentially, providing a problem-free ball trajectory and an ideal cycle. Low-noise performance The ball retainer situated between the balls prevents noise caused by balls colliding with one another. On the return, balls are scooped up in a virtually straight line, eliminating noise from balls colliding with the return tube. Long-term maintenance-free performance The ball retainer holds in lubricating fluid, enabling long-term maintenance-free performance. Superior sliding ability The ball retainer situated between the balls eliminates friction between balls, greatly improving torque characteristics. Precompression torque changes are minimized, providing superior sliding ability. For more details on THK¡¯s original Caged technology, please see our Caged Technology Catalogue.