Actuators Provide Benefits At Special-needs School

Special-needs children at an Oxfordshire school are benefiting from the ingenuity of mechanical engineering thanks to SKF. Frank Wise school for special-needs children switched to plasma screen technology as a teaching aid and required input from SKF to ensure the suitable and adequate mounting of new screens for children in wheelchairs and standing frames. The school developed a mounting arrangement for classroom displays, after deciding that interactive whiteboards, digital projection of DVDs and computer-generated graphics would benefit pupils more than desktop PC screens. Whiteboards, however, presented limitations as pupils became distracted by shadows when walking in front of projectors. Those in wheelchairs and others using standing frames also found it difficult to reach the boards for writing and drawing. Eventually, plasma screens replaced whiteboards, eliminating shadows. The school approached BSL for the provision of its mounting arrangement to adjust the height of heavy plasma screens allowing every child to reach them. BSL, an authorised distributor of SKF, brought in the local SKF Sales Manager and electrically operated actuators were provided for an easy-use system that pupils now access on an independent basis. SKF provided the breakthrough by mounting the plasma screens on the company's electrically operated TFG-series pillar-type telescopic actuators. This product has a minimum retracted length combined with a large stroke (extension) so the height of displays can be adjusted over a wide range, meeting the needs of every pupil. 'Our objective is to educate, motivate and celebrate children with special needs by providing quality and equality in quantity', said Nick Robins of the Frank Wise School. 'SKF and BSL worked together to make a significant contribution in helping us to achieve this, not only by offering something excellent and affordable, but also by continuing to provide us with invaluable support and advice'. 'Now that this installation meets the very specific needs of children in our school, we are convinced that it can meet the needs of all children in any educational setting'. 'Providing for the widest range of needs is intrinsic to the spirit of the Disability Discrimination Act'. 'Installations of this type, therefore, have a huge potential in the UK and worldwide'
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